The California Association of Realtors Independent Contractor Agreement Form

The California Association of Realtors (CAR) is a professional association of real estate agents and brokers in California. It provides numerous resources and services to its members, including an Independent Contractor Agreement form.

What is the Independent Contractor Agreement form?

The Independent Contractor Agreement form is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship between a real estate agent and their broker. It establishes that the agent is an independent contractor, not an employee of the broker.

The form covers various aspects of the relationship, including the agent`s responsibilities, commission rates, and payment terms. It also outlines the broker`s obligations, such as providing office space, marketing materials, and training.

Why is it important?

The Independent Contractor Agreement form is essential for both the agent and the broker to protect their interests. By signing the form, the agent agrees to abide by the broker`s policies and procedures while working independently. It also ensures that the broker is not liable for any tax obligations, insurance, or benefits that an employee would be entitled to.

For the agent, the form gives them the freedom to operate their real estate business as they see fit, while also providing access to resources and support from the broker. They can work on a flexible schedule and enjoy the benefits of being self-employed, such as tax deductions and control over their income.

What are some things to keep in mind when using the Independent Contractor Agreement form?

As with any legal agreement, it`s essential to ensure that all parties understand the terms and conditions before signing. The agent should review the document carefully and seek legal counsel if necessary.

It`s also crucial to keep the agreement up to date and review it periodically to ensure that it still reflects the agent`s and broker`s current situation.

Finally, it`s essential to understand that signing the Independent Contractor Agreement form does not automatically make an agent an independent contractor. Other factors, such as the level of control the broker has over the agent`s work, also come into play.


The Independent Contractor Agreement form provided by the California Association of Realtors is a vital document for real estate agents and brokers in California. It outlines the terms and conditions of the independent contractor relationship, providing clarity and protection for both parties. Agents and brokers should take the time to understand the document`s contents carefully and review it periodically to ensure that it still reflects their current situation.

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